
International Research Workshop on Discourse and Innovation

This workshop covered the increasing interest in the analysis of discourses in and around organisations, as well as innovation and the relationship between these two areas of study. It brought together international scholars to explore the ways in which discourse theory and analysis might inform studies of innovation.

The workshop featured ICRODSC members from the universities of Melbourne and Sydney, as well as several leading scholars from overseas. Invited speakers included Professor Sally Davenport (Victoria University of Wellington), Professor Shirley Leitch (Swinburne University of Technology) and Professor Bill Doolin (Auckland University of Technology).

Presentations were also given by Sydney's Professors Richard Seymour, David Grant, Richard Dunford, Richard Hall and doctors Kristine Dery and Nick Wailes.


Workshop on Identity

This workshop offered the opportunity for ICRODSC members to meet Professor Blake Ashforth, who was visiting from Arizona State University. Professor Ashworth is internationally renowned for his work on relational identity and has published many widely-cited papers in leading US journals.

Professor Ashworth presented his work on identity and participants discussed the differences and similarities between his work and the discursive study of identity. In addition, Associate Professor Leisa Sargent presented a paper on retirement, identity and metaphors.