Research at the Faculty of Business and Economics

The future is ours to make

A fair, prosperous and sustainable future means thinking about what matters to us as a society.

What do we value and how much? What risks are we prepared to take? What are we willing to give up so that we can all have what we want and need?

Our researchers – the economists, actuarial analysts, specialists in finance and accounting, and experts in marketing, consumer behaviour, management, change and employment – are dedicated to these questions, bringing unique perspectives on the difference business and economics can make to our lives – as individuals and collectively. Through diverse expertise, an outward focus, and strong culture of collaboration, we carry out fundamental and applied research to help improve the world around us.

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Three new Research Labs in 2024

Funded through a Faculty initiative supporting state-of-the-art research, three new Research Labs will commence this year: Transforming Australian Healthcare: Data-Driven Insights for a Healthier Future; Lab for the Practical Applications of Mechanism and Matching Theory; and FBE Gender Lab: Promoting Advancement of Women in the Workplace.

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Strategy and governance

Learn about the strategy, people and mechanisms ensuring our research contributes to a good future for all.