Using Multimedia Tools to Create Purposeful Content

How can multimedia tools be used to create purposeful content?

Multimedia is a broadly encapsulating term used to describe multiple rich-media sources that are composited together to create a single media artefact.

Whether the final product is audio-based (podcast, interview, feedback), video-based (didactic video, instructional guide, case study, interview, feedback), or a graphic (diagram, instructions, mind Map) - there are many tools available either through the university or freely available to support the creation of these resources.

However, there is a process in developing these resources, considering the best product to support the Design intent, and then working through the creation of the product itself.

Knowing the potential and limits of tools is a critical first step; then, considering your unit and the constructive alignment of the resources to ensure that any Multimedia creation is fit for purpose is another important consideration to keep in mind during the early stages of development.

Finally, ensuring the longevity of the product, developing a process for review and updating as appropriate, and ensuring data integrity and management of the files for future projects are all tertiary considerations of any project.
