Sharing Effective Teaching Practice

What does it mean to share effective teaching practices?

Sharing effective teaching practices benefits the academic and the broader educational community in these ways:

  1. Conference presentations and workshops: These are an opportunity to share ideas and strategies with a wider audience and to receive feedback.
  2. Publish in academic journals:  Articles may include descriptions of strategies used, the results achieved, and lessons learned. By publishing, one can contribute to the broader educational community.
  3. Share with colleagues:  This can include informal conversations, formal presentations, or written materials. In this way, academics may receive feedback, refine strategies, and build a community of practice.
  4. Participate in online communities: Participation in social media groups or discussion forums is another way to share effective teaching practices and learn from others. Connecting with educators from around the world may allow access to a wealth of ideas.
  5. Collaboration: This includes things such as co-teaching and mentoring. In this way expertise is shared and a culture of continuous improvement is strengthened.

Overall, sharing effective teaching practices is essential for improving educational outcomes and advancing the teaching profession.  In this way, academics may contribute to a culture of innovation and excellence in education.
