Providing Constructive Feedback

What does it mean to provide constructive assessment feedback?

Constructive and formative feedback on assessment in higher education refers to feedback designed to promote student learning and improvement. Students are given specific and actionable information about their performance, highlighting areas of strength, and identifying areas for improvement.

Constructive and formative feedback is important in higher education for several reasons:

  • Encourages student engagement. It can help motivate students to engage more fully with course/subject material and assessment tasks.
  • Increases motivation and self-efficacy: Students are given clear and specific information on their progress towards learning goals, to understand the value and relevance of their learning and increase their confidence in their ability to succeed.
  • Supports student learning: Provides specific information on areas of strength and weakness. Students are guided to identify areas that require improvement and develop a plan for addressing these areas.
  • Promotes reflective practice: Students are guided to develop a deeper understanding of their own learning processes and identify strategies for improving their performance.

Overall, constructive, and formative feedback is essential for student learning and increasing student motivation and engagement while also promoting a culture of continuous improvement and reflective practice.
