Designing Authentic Assessment

What is authentic assessment design?

Authentic assessment is a form of assessment that evaluates a student's knowledge, skills, and abilities in a real-world context. The goal of authentic assessment is to assess students' understanding of a subject matter through tasks and activities that mirror the challenges and complexities of real-life rather than simply recalling facts or completing standardized tests. A variety of strategies can be used to augment authentic assessment such as creating a portfolio of work, completing a project, or participating in a simulated real-world scenario.

Critically, authentic assessments cannot be constrained by the typically arbitrary constraints found in an educational setting. Eg. You cannot use wikipedia. Rather, it's considering what tools and processes are used in 'the real world (tm)' to support workers to achieve their work goals. Part of the challenge is ensuring appropriate support and scaffolding has been given to the students, and that the final product replicates or mimics something akin to what students might do once they enter the workforce.
