Supporting Students' Language and Academic Literacies

Student language and academic literacies - what are they are why are they significant?

Students' language and academic literacies are the practices they need to develop to operate confidently in an academic setting. These practices include reading, writing and speaking in discipline-appropriate ways. Developing appropriate academic literacies is essential for learning new information, solving problems, and communicating ideas. By supporting the development of students' language, academic literacies, and skills, we can help them to succeed in their studies and in their future employment. Academic literacies can include:

  • Understanding and using discipline-specific vocabulary.
  • Analyzing and interpreting complex texts.
  • Writing clear and concise essays and reports in ways appropriate to the discipline.
  • Giving effective presentations.
  • Participating in class discussions.
  • Collaborating with others on academic projects.
  • Understanding the politics of knowledge and how this shapes the ways we communicate in the disciplines.

There are a number of things that you can do to support the development of student's language and academic literacies such as:

  • Providing explicit instruction in academic vocabulary.
  • Being explicit about the expectations of your discipline.
  • Teaching students how to read and analyze complex texts in their discipline.
  • Giving students opportunities to practice their writing and speaking skills and providing feedback.
  • Creating a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes.
  • Providing access to support resources such as dictionaries, grammar and writing guides, and writing tutors.
