Blended & Online Learning

digital and social media images circling the globe

Room 605, Level 6, FBE Building, 111 Barry Street, Carlton.

More Information

  • Blended Learning Seminar Series

What is blended learning and how can it help to better engage students?

This seminar and workshop series is designed to introduce you to blended learning and how it can facilitate positive student experiences and engagement. The series is developmental, starting with the foundations, moving on to examples to spark your ideas, and culminating in a hands-on workshop to test those ideas with colleagues.

Seminar 1: Blended learning and student engagement

Monday August 12, 11am - 12pm

Introduces you to the key principles of good blended learning and how these principles relate to student engagement.

Seminar 2: Models of blended learning

Monday September 2, 11am - 12pm

Demonstrates a number of models of blended learning from the flipped classroom to block models of learning and the spectrum in between.

Seminar 3: Workshop your blended learning ideas

Monday October 21, 10am - 12pm

hands-on workshop where you will discuss your ideas for blending your own subject with colleagues. Members of the WCLA team with experience in designing and implementing blended learning projects will be on hand to offer practical, project-based guidance for making your blended learning ideas into realities.

This series is part of the Blended and Online Learning Program.