Resources and Support

The Research Data Laboratory

The Faculty maintains a Research Data Laboratory for graduate researchers and academic staff on level 3 of 198 Berkeley Street. Information about the Laboratory, including a list of available databases, can be found on the Faculty's research pages for researchers.

Giblin Eunson Library

The University of Melbourne has a Business, Economics and Education library, the Giblin Eunson Library, located on the ground floor of the ICT Building.

Research students are able to make an appointment with library staff to discuss the best sources of information, effective use of databases and searching strategies and the purchase of new materials to support current research. Further information about this service and to book a research consultation can be found on the Library website.

Visit the library website

Skills development

The University's Graduate Research Hub is your portal to the extensive offerings and opportunities available to graduate researchers, ranging from transferrable skills, employability and career services, academic skills enhancement, research travel and professional development.

Skills development on the graduate research hub


Graduate Research students who are planning to conduct research that involves people or information about people (or organisations) must submit an application for human research ethics approval to the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity.

Office of Research Ethics and Integrity

Contact Us

The Graduate Research Team

The Graduate Research Team is dedicated to the support of our Business and Economics doctoral students. We are committed to improving student experience and delivering effective services, guidance and support to our GR students and staff, from application through to completion.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Admissions: Coordination of the admission process, issuing of outcomes to domestic and international GR candidates, support for joint and dual award program admissions
  • Scholarships: Management of scholarship stipends, payments and reimbursements, variations and coordination of other scholarship opportunities
  • Candidature: Candidature management (processing enrolments & variations such as leave) and oversight of timely progression
  • GR Examinations: Management of thesis submissions and  examinations


Current Students Future Students

Graduate Research Directors

Department GR Director
Dr Like Jiang
Actuarial Studies

Associate Professor Xueyuan (Shane) Wu

Business Administration and Analytics

Professor Boğaçhan Çelen

Decision, Risk and Financial Science

Professor Carsten Murawski


Associate Professor Reshad Ahsan


Professor Garry Twite

Management and Marketing

Dr Fang-Chi Lu

Associate Professor Andrew Yu

Melbourne Institute

Dr Tim Robinson