A/Prof Andre Sammartino

Q&A with Associate Professor Andre Sammartino

"What does your role involve?"

Teaching the challenges of strategic decision-making in a range of contexts – domestic and international – to aspiring managers and entrepreneurs with varying experience levels. Researching strategic decisions, their impact and the role managers play in such decisions, most often in a multinational setting. Collaborating with fantastic colleagues here and around the world on a range of research projects. And engaging with the business community about their experiences, issues and needs.

"What do you enjoy most about your position?"

That there are always new questions to ask, new ideas to hear and new examples to explore.

"Tell us about your background?"

I’m a Melbourne local who stumbled into the B-Com as an 18-year-old, wandered around aimlessly until I found economic history, loved it, and from there found international business, strategic management and the joys of teaching. I’ve hung around ever since.

"Tell us about something you are currently researching?"

I lead the Ruthven Institute Hub and we are deep into an exploration of the drivers of firm performance among Australia’s biggest firms. There are a lot of moving parts, and some disappointing underperformers, but we believe we’ve found some strong lessons about what firms could be doing better and smarter

"What is something your students have taught you?"

That it’s a big world out there and everyone is coming into our programs with a fascinating story to tell and different motivations for being here.

"Name a working achievement or initiative that you are most proud of?"

I helped guide a wholesale revamp of our undergraduate subjects that I feel has really met the changing needs of our students.

"What would surprise people to know about you?"

I was once pretty skinny and fit and not grey-haired.

"What advice would you give to your younger self?"

Keep up the running and maybe don’t explore the wonders of the craft beer scene quite so diligently.

"If you were not an academic, what would you like to do?"

Run a brewery… or at least provide helpful advice to one…

"What are your hobbies or interests?"

Travelling. Visiting breweries. Listening to great, but somewhat obscure and dated, bands. Cheering on the North Melbourne football team. Wrangling my young twins.

A/Prof Andre Sammartino

Associate Professor in Strategy