Research Seminar by A/Prof Mario Campana - The Emergence and Evolution of LGBTQIA+ and Drag (Queen) Markets

Image for Research Seminar by A/Prof Mario Campana - The Emergence and Evolution of LGBTQIA+ and Drag (Queen) Markets

PRESENTER: Associate Professor Mario Campana

TOPIC: The Emergence and Evolution of LGBTQIA+ and Drag (Queen) Markets

DATE: Thursday, 16 May 2024
TIME: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Hosted by Daiane Scaraboto

Mario Campana
is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Marketing at the University of Bath School of Management. He obtained his PhD from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) and has previously worked at Goldsmiths and the University of Bristol Business School. Mario's research interests are centered around consumer research and CCT. His research program focuses on three consumer research domains: materiality, diversity and inclusion, specifically on LGBTQIA+ topics, and alternative economies. He has had his work published in well-known journals like the Journal of Management Studies (FT50) and the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.


Although governments and organizations are making efforts to varying degrees to address the importance of diversity and inclusion policies, LGBTQIA+ consumers still face instances of discrimination and stigmatization in the market. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct research to identify the barriers and struggles that these consumers face, in order to inspire more inclusive marketplace practices.

In this talk, he will explore how the LGBTQIA+ consumer markets emerged and evolved. He will discuss the role of marketing and public policy in this process. He will then focus on the early stage conceptualization of the emergence and evolution of a particular LGBTQIA+ market, which is the Drag market (drag queens, drag kings, and more), using the case of RuPaul's Drag Race.