Other Key Macroeconomic Aggregates

Measured at a quarterly frequency and published quarterly.

Manufacturing Production Index, Seasonally Adjusted (MPI)

The Manufacturing Production Index gives quarterly estimates of constant price manufacturing production.

Source: Quarterly Indexes of Manufacturing Production, Australia (cat. no. 5219.0), December quarter, 1982.

Quarterly Vintages

Seasonally adjusted.
MPI: Vintages 1983Q1 to present


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Specific notes on MPI

Industrial Production Index, Seasonally Adjusted (IPI)

The Industrial Production Index gives quarterly estimates of gross product at constant prices for the non-farm, goods producing sector. It describes the sum of three groups: Mining excluding Services to Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity, Gas and Water.

Source: Quarterly Indexes of Industrial Production, Australia (cat. no. 8125.0), September 1990.

Quarterly Vintages

Seasonally adjusted.
IPI: Vintages 1990Q4 to present


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Specific notes on IPI

Balance of Payments on Current Account (BOP)

Balance of Payments systematically summarises the economic transactions occurring between residents of Australia and residents of the rest of the world (non-residents) over a specific period of time. The Balance of Payments on Current Account is derived as the sum (net) of credit and debit entries for goods, services, primary income and secondary income.

Source: Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (cat. no. 5302.0), March 2011.

Quarterly Vintages

Current price measures; in millions of pounds up to 1966Q1 vintage and in millions or dollars thereafter; not seasonally adjusted up to 1974Q4 vintage and seasonally adjusted thereafter.

BOPnsa: Vintages 1962Q1 to 1966Q1 (in millions of pounds, not seasonally adjusted)
BOPnsa: Vintages 1966Q2 to 1974Q4 (in millions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted)
BOPsa: Vintages 1975Q1 to present (in millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted)


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Specific notes on BOP

Real GDP Implicit Price Deflator (RGDPDEF)

The Real GDP Implicit Price Deflator relates to a broader range of goods and services in the economy than that represented by any of the individual price indexes that are published by the ABS. It is obtained by dividing the current price value by its real counterpart.

Source: Australian System of National Accounts (cat. no. 5204.0), 2009-10.

Quarterly Vintages

In index number form; seasonally adjusted.
RGDPDEF: Vintages 1978Q1 to present


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Specific notes on RGDPDEF

Original Consumer Price Index, All Groups (CPI)

The Consumer Price Index measures quarterly changes in the price of a 'basket' of goods and services which account for a high proportion of expenditure by the CPI population group (i.e. metropolitan households).

Source: Consumer Price Index, Australia (cat. no. 6401.0), March 2011.

Quarterly Vintages

Not seasonally adjusted.
CPI: Vintages 1960Q3 to present


Please review the documentation for information on our data collection methods, data sources and any specific information on this variable.
Specific notes on CPI