Frequently Asked Questions

Internships, general

  • Are internships paid?

    Internships can be either paid or unpaid, depending on the nature of the placement:

    • Paid Internships: Most internships are paid, as required by the Fair Work Act. Your employer usually provides insurance cover in these cases.
    • Unpaid Internships: Some internships may be unpaid if they fall into one of the following categories:
      • The internship is with a not-for-profit organisation.
      • The internship is classified as a ‘vocational placement’ under the Fair Work Act (2009), meaning it is a required or assessable part of your course. In these cases, the University will provide insurance cover.

    It's crucial to understand the terms of your internship before starting, so you know whether it will be paid or unpaid and who is responsible for your insurance cover. We do not recommend exceeding the required 90 hours if you are completing an unpaid self-sourced internship.

Commerce Internship subject

  • Does my internship need to take place within the specified teaching period

    Yes, your internship must include a minimum of 90 hours within the teaching period to meet the subject's assessment requirements. While you may undertake additional hours, all assessments must be completed by the end of the teaching period.

    If you are arranging a self-sourced internship, it is a requirement that a minimum of 90 hours are completed within the same teaching period. You have flexibility in how you schedule these hours; for example, you could work one 7.5 hour day per week for 12 weeks, or two 7.5 hour days per week for 6 weeks.

  • Can I apply for multiple internship streams?

    Yes, you are encouraged to apply for multiple internship streams. If you are successful in securing offers for more than one stream, you will be required to select one to accept. Once you have made your selection, we ask that you fully commit to the chosen stream.

  • Can I complete the Commerce Internship more than once?

    No, you may only complete the Commerce Internship subject once.

  • What is the time commitment?

    The Commerce Internship involves a total estimated time commitment of 170 hours, comprising:

    • Workplace attendance: 90 hours minimum
    • Learning activities (non- assessment): 36 hours
    • Assessment tasks: 44 hours

    Overall, the 170 hours are designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience while balancing your academic and professional responsibilities.

  • How much does the subject cost?

    The Commerce Internship is subject to a standard University course fee. An additional program fee applies for the international internship stream.

    Placements in regional or interstate areas may also incur additional costs for travel and accommodation.


  • Can I complete the Commerce Internship at the same time as Global Management Consulting or International Business Experience?

    Due to the intensive nature of Global Management Consulting (MGMT30017) and International Business Experience (IBUS20007), both of which include an overseas travel component, it may not be feasible to undertake the Commerce Internship (CMCE20001) simultaneously if the internship period overlaps with the travel dates. However, you can complete these subjects in different semesters.

  • I have only completed 50 credit points at the time of application, and I have 50 credit points as advanced standing. Am I eligible to apply?

    Yes, the credit points you have been granted for advanced standing will count towards the 100 credit points required for eligibility to apply.

  • I have only completed 50 credit points at the time of application, but I will have completed 100 credit points by the time I start my internship. Am I eligible to apply?

    No, you need to have completed at least 100 credit points by the time you submit your application form to be eligible. There are no exceptions to this requirement.

  • Can exchange students apply?

    Unfortunately, exchange students can't enrol in the Commerce Internship subject.

Application process

  • What is the deadline for self-sourced internship applications?

    Applications must be submitted at least three weeks before your self-sourced internship start date. If the submission deadline falls during University holidays, you should extend the deadline by the number of days the University is closed.

    For example:

    • If your internship begins on Monday 2 December, your application is due by Friday 15 November.
    • If your internship begins on Monday 6 January, and there is a 5-day University holiday during Christmas, your application is due by Friday 6 December.

    Please note that late applications will not be accepted.

  • Do application documents need to be submitted in English?

    Yes, all documents must be submitted in English. Additionally, please include the original documents in their native language, along with any official company logos, seals, or letterheads.

  • What is qualifies as sufficient email evidence to confirm a placement for a self-sourced internship?

    Evidence may include: a .pdf copy of your internship contract, or a screenshot of your internship offer containing the details (start/end dates, hours).

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