The Benefits of an Online Internship

Master of Economics student William Armstrong was apprehensive about completing an internship online, but ultimately it was an opportunity beyond what he could have predicted.

The Business and Economics Internship subject (BUSA90525) gives graduate business students the opportunity to complete an internship during the semester and have it credited towards their degree. From attendance requirements to reflective essays, the assessments for this subject are diverse and combine to provide a well-rounded experience that puts one in good stead for the rest of their professional career.

I completed my internship at Port Phillip Group, a Charted Accounting and wealth management firm located on the Mornington Peninsula. I worked as an Assistant Analyst in the wealth management branch of the company during the second semester of 2020. My duties mostly comprised analysing client holdings, making recommendations to said holdings, and financial monitoring.

William Armstrong
Master of Economics student William Armstrong

Having just entered the second lockdown in Melbourne, I was apprehensive about the internship being entirely online. However, while working remotely presented its own difficulties – namely delays in communication – it was not without its benefits. I was able to work whenever suited me best to reach my weekly time commitments (roughly 10 hours per week). This flexibility allowed me to ease my workload during heavy assessment periods and vice-versa.

Despite the challenges presented, or perhaps because of them, I consider the experience fruitful and worthwhile. It was not just the chance to develop my analytic and communicative skills or gain professional experience but rather the opportunity to do so while studying at university. I consider this to be a very good use of time.

The clearest benefit of the Business and Economics Internship subject is that it will bolster your CV. Any opportunity to add pertinent experience to your resume can only increase your employability. Beyond this, the subject requires the completion of various modules to gain credit for the subject. The modules extensively cover such topics as professional etiquette, confidentiality procedures and workplace communication. These are sometimes unspoken elements in the workplace, so explicitly covering them in detail was beneficial.

The internship subject also presents an opportunity to set the tone for your career. Personally, I wanted to develop my analytical skills and economic intuition at a company that is devoted to generating ‘inspired impact’. Port Phillip Group provides pro bono services to financially constrained clients – something I am proud to have contributed to. Going through the process of graduate job applications now, I use my involvement in providing these pro bono services to define the trajectory of my career.

Are you a business interested in getting involved in the Business and Economics Internship? Please contact us to discuss how we can work together.

Are you a Melbourne Business School student wanting to do the next Business and Economics Internship? Find more information here.

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