Studying in the real world

By Seth Robinson

Once you’re in the professional world, finding time to study can be a challenge. When it comes to creating that work-study-life balance, convenient, flexible study options are key. Melbourne Business School’s Graduate Certificate in Business was designed to fill just this niche.

Miranda Spencer is an architect at Resource Architecture, a firm that focuses on how workplace design can support the strategy and goals of a business. Most recently, she’s taken on an interest in the business side of her company. For Miranda, the Graduate Certificate in Business (GCBus) offered an opportunity to transition back into study and expand her skill set.

“It’s been seven years since I finished my masters in Architecture; I thought the GCBus was a good transition, a soft start back into study. The course gives you a general understanding of business, and a taste of its different aspects, such as marketing and accounting. I’d like to continue studying afterwards, so it’s helping me get an idea of what I might focus on in the future. I have a creative background, so I’m quite attracted to marketing.”

The next step for Miranda is a return to her hometown of Adelaide, to set up a new location for Resource Architecture. It’s an opportunity to put some of her new skills and business acumen into practice.

“It’s an exciting time for us. I’ll be working on designs, then I'll get more into the project management aspect, while overseeing everything. I like to be hands-on and make things happen.”

The online delivery of the GCBus means the move won’t interrupt her studies, and its flexible structure means she can balance work, life, and study through the transition.

“The set-up of the course is fantastic. Being online means I can do the work from anywhere, and the format of the platform is really working for me. The work’s broken up into modules, so you can do a bit when you’ve got time, then if you get caught up with work or travel you can come back and you know where you’re up to,” she says. “The study load is manageable; I’ve been working full-time, then I probably study three nights a week, and occasionally a little bit on the weekends.”

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