

At the Faculty of Business and Economics, we offer industries the opportunity to collaborate with our talented students from the Bachelor of Commerce and Melbourne Business School through a 12-week, for-credit internship program. We currently partner with a range of trusted organisations, from large multinationals to not-for-profits.

Internships are conducted under supervision of an industry supervisor and a dedicated member of our academic staff. Students can secure their own internship or to apply to a range of internships sourced by the University each semester. This opportunity aims to provide students the opportunity to gain practical experience relevant to their studies.

Contact Us

Industry Requirements

We will consult with you in developing your internship opportunities and can advise on timelines, fit, and how best to reach your talent acquisition goals. Whether it’s increasing diversity or seeking hard-to-find skill sets, our team has a wealth of industry experience to develop the best solutions. Below our outlines for what is required from a host company.

  • Time Commitment
    • Runs during semester period for 10-12 weeks
    • Minimum of 90 hours during a semester period
    • If unpaid, we advise a maximum of  14 hours per week
  • Host Requirements
    • Must provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment
    • Must assign an experienced supervisor in the relevant disciplinary/professional field (a supervisor should not be the intern’s immediate family member or a relative)
    • Must commit to safe work practices to ensure the intern’s well-being
  • Supervision Expectations
    • Define tasks and expectations clearly
    • Provide learning support and regular feedback
    • Offer various learning opportunities including exposure to internal and/or external networks
    • Support the intern to demonstrate learning in university assignments, including reviewing their internship plan, signing off a timesheet, and provide formal feedback in the end of the internship
  • Remuneration and Insurance
    • Internships can be either paid or unpaid.
    • Unpaid internships: Students are covered comprehensively against accident or injury under the University’s student insurance policy. The University maintains Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance that covers any liability of the University and the students in relation to the placement.
  • Placement Agreement
    • A formal placement letter agreement must be signed by relevant University staff and an authorised signatory of host organisation. The placement letter   agreements have been written to ensure they cover key legal terms in respect of the placement, as well as capturing key operational matters.
    • Host organisations are also expected to maintain appropriate Public Liability insurance.
    • Host organisations should familiarise themselves with the Fair Work Act regarding internships
  • Intellectual Property and Privacy
    • Host organisations continue to own any pre-existing intellectual property made available for use by University staff or students during a placement. Such pre-existing intellectual property is made available for the sole purpose and duration of the placement.
    • As mandated by Australian legislation, University of Melbourne staff and students must ensure the non-disclosure of Host organisation's confidential information, accessed during the period of the Placement. This is further detailed in the placement letter agreement.

Why Participate?

Circle with outer connecting circles

Connect with the next generation of global business leaders.

icon of a plant

Bring new ideas and a fresh perspective to your organisation.

Handyman Tools Icon

Build your graduate recruitment pipeline.

Two arrows pointing to the right

Enhance your team’s productivity and professional development.

How Do I Apply?

Step 1

Fill out the internships request form before the deadlines and email the form to us. We will then reach out to you to connect and discuss the opportunities we have and next steps.

Step 2

Your form will then be sent to a team of academics to be approved. This is to ensure your opportunity is aligned with Fair Work’s requirements and meets academic standards and learning opportunities.

Step 3

Once approved, the position will be advertised to our students. At the end of the advertising period, we will provide you with a list of candidates for you to then carry out a standard recruitment process.

Step 4

The partnerships team will then issue out a commercial contract based on the type of internship to cover key legal matters and operational matters. This is to be signed by a relevant University staff and an authorised signatory of host organisation.

Step 5

Once your intern/s have been selected, the host supervisor guidelines are provided to assist in the onboarding process. This guideline aims to support an industry supervisor's engagement in the internship program and clarifies what their intern is expected to complete for the subject and different roles and responsibilities of university support staff.

Internships Request Form

Key Dates

SummerSemester 1Semester 2
Deadline of Host ApplicationMid-AugustMid-NovemberMid-April
Interview PeriodEarly - Mid OctoberLate January – Early FebruaryEarly – Mid June          
Internship PlacementLate November - Late FebruaryEarly March – Late MayLate July – Mid October

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who are the students?

    Our students are studying in a range of disciplinaries within the Bachelor of Commerce and Melbourne Business School (Masters) including:

    • Accounting
    • Actuarial Studies
    • Business Analytics
    • Economics
    • Finance
    • Management (including Human Resources, Supply Chain Management and International Business)
    • Marketing
  • Is it possible to only connect with domestic or international students?

    To ensure fairness and equity, engagement opportunities are for all students. We do not exclude any student groups from accessing these programs. We understand that employment opportunities may require certain work rights for students to be eligible. We can identify the target audience in communications, but we will not exclude students. Find out more.

  • Do you offer shortlisting or end-to-end recruitment services?

    Every day we partner with employers to help them recruit interns from our talented cohort.

    • If the internship qualifies as part of our internship subject we will coordinate the promotion of the opportunity, directly targeting students who are keen to undertake an internship as part of their university studies. At the conclusion of the advertising period, we will provide a list of suitable applications that you can select from to interview.
    • If the internship does not qualify as part of the internship subject we will assist you in the promotion of the opportunity via our job boards, newsletters and social media platforms. The students will apply directly to you/your organisation.
  • Can my family relative apply for my internship opportunity?

    A family member cannot be the internship supervisor of a student. You must find an alternative host supervisor in the company instead.

  • What are the requirements around student visas and work rights?

    Please refer to the Fair Work Act for all legal and work rights information.

    We will work with you to ensure any unpaid internships meet the appropriate criteria and standards to ensure alignment with the Fair Work Act.

  • Can students work more than the recommended hours?

    If internship is unpaid, it is strongly recommended for students to work no more than 14 hours a week due to academic requirements. You must follow the Fair Work Act.

    If internship is paid, it is up to the host and student to discuss what is a suitable balance between academic and internship work hours.

What's Next?

So you've secured an intern, Congratulations! But what do I do now?

  • Subject Design

    The subject is designed for students to:

    • Enhance industry/disciplinary knowledge and skills, workplace skills, and career planning through practice and reflection
    • Enhance professional communication and interpersonal skills to establish collegial working relationships and build professional networks.
    • Enhance self-directed and self-regulated learning competence.
  • Student Requirements

    To pass the subject, a student is required to:

    1. Engage in a 90-hour minimum placement in their field of study - evidenced by a signed timesheet.
    2. Complete three academic assessments:
      1. Develop  a Learning plan that includes four to five learning goals, and a list of learning activities encompassing a mix of internship tasks and other professional engagement activities. The plan must be reviewed and agreed by their host supervisor.
      2. Complete Learning reflections on their engagement in the planned activities. By the end of their internship, organise a performance review to seek supervisor feedback.
      3. Complete a self-recorded Mock Interview showcasing their internship learning insights. No supervisor involvement needed.

    Note: Academics will evaluate a student’s learning based on the above assessments. Host supervisors may be consulted where needed for feedback on the student's industry performance.

  • Expectations of Host Supervisor
    • Review the intern’s Learning Plan (Assessment 1) to ensure the plan is feasible and reflecting assigned internship tasks correctly.
    • Provide regular feedback and formal or informal learning opportunities e.g. job shadowing and sitting in client meetings.
    • Contact the FBE Internship Support ( as soon as possible if you have any concerns for supporting the intern’s learning experience.
    • Provide formal feedback to the intern by the end of the internship (Part of Assessment 2). The student will record feedback using a templated provided by academics.
    • Sign off a timesheet by the end of the internship.
  • Pre-Internship Commencement

    Prior to your intern starting, please ensure that you:

    • Contact your intern a minimum of one week before commencement to clarify their working days and hours, office location and provide details of who to contact if they have any questions in the lead up to their internship.
    • Arrange an arrival time, meeting place and who to contact when they arrive for their first day.
    • For in-office internships, arrange office access where needed, workstation and required equipment (inform the intern if they need to bring their laptop or any other equipment needed).
    • Arrange digital access to required working platforms and software tools e g. Google Drive.
    • Assign a work buddy or peer mentor where possible to support them throughout their internship.
  • First Day
    • Provide a workplace induction e.g. introduction to the organisation, workplace culture and key emergency and OH&S procedures.
    • Introduce them to team members and their buddy or peer mentor.
    • Clarify internship roles and responsibilities.
    • Re-iterate expectations e.g. working hours, professional code of conduct and business confidentiality in assessments,
    • Plan out other learning engagement activities e.g. formal and informal trainings, job shadowing, exposure to relevant projects and meetings.
    • For remote internships: establish communication channels, check-in frequency, and interaction protocols.
  • First Two Weeks
    • Review the intern’s Learning Plan to ensure the plan is feasible and reflecting assigned internship tasks correctly. NOTE: this is a requirement for their subject assessment.
  • During Program
    • Ensure your intern has adequate tasks to complete throughout the internship
    • Provide on-the-job training and continuous feedback
    • Respond to University’s mid-placement email with any updates, questions or any concerns you encounter
    • Support your interns’ completion of academic assessments for demonstrating learning (e.g. reviewing their learning plan, providing performance feedback and signing timesheet)
  • Final Week
    • Arrange and complete a performance review to provide your intern feedback on their engagement and performance in the planned activities by the end of their internship. NOTE: this is a requirement for their subject assessment.
    • Sign off on the intern’s timesheet. NOTE: this is a requirement for their subject assessment.
    • Facilitate handover of the intern’s work
    • Provide a recommendation/referee letter if applicable.
  • Support

    We are available for support throughout the entire internship period. If you have any questions, issues or concerns during the internship, please contact us at

  • Responses to Special Circumstances



    Interns need to take time off due to exams, sickness, or other commitments.

    If your intern will not meet the 90-hour minimum, arrange to make up the hours at an agreed time, or extend the internship finishing date.

    Otherwise, it is at your discretion whether the intern needs to make up for the lost time.

    Intern is arranged to travel interstate/overseas as part of their internship.

    Please give as much notice as possible. Interns will need to register for the University’s travel insurance 4 weeks prior to travelling.

    Extending internship

    Contact us at

    Hiring intern post-internship